Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Vim, Javascript and Tern

    howto vim, js & tern

    Tags: GNU/Linux Vim JS

    Vim, Javascript and Tern

    Shortcut Command Description
    td :TernDoc Documentation under cursor
    tb :TernDocBrowse Browse documentation
    tt :TernType Type hints
    td :TernDef Jump to definition (yes, ‘td’ is duplicated)
    tpd :TernDefPreview Jump to definition inside preview
    tsd :TernDefSplit Definition in new split
    ttd :TernDefTab Definition in new tab
    tr :TernRefs All references under cursor
    tR :TernRename Rename variable

    Tags: GNU/Linux Vim JS
    Updated on: 2016-02-03