Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • workspace

    My early, 2009, workspace

    Tags: GNU/Linux OS


    I Love GNU/Linux!

    Following is the list of applications one would find on my computer running most of the time when I am at home.

    1. Ubuntu/Debian GNU/Linux with latest kernel and drivers
    2. Vim with cscope + ctags + syntax highlight + ispell + split screen + wrap
    3. Gnome-terminal with green on black background + screen utility running; On one of the screens hangman (classic game)
    4. Gaim/Pidgin with google talk (jabber) + yahoo + linux IRC account up
    5. Twitux for latest twitter updates
    6. Stardict offline dictionary
    7. Firefox with gmail and orkut on side by side tabs.
    8. Amarok (mostly paused ) on the taskbar
    9. Very small scale video running with the help of Mplayer.
    10. Xmoto for time pass

    And when in office some addition to the above list

    1. Evince pdf/ps document
    2. Evolution for intranet mail access

    Tags: GNU/Linux OS
    Updated on: 2009-10-08