Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Free Software Movement

    Introduction to Free Software Movement

    Tags: FSF FreeSoftware

    Free Software Movement

    This was created by RMS in year 1983. Free software is software that respects users’ freedom. Opposite of free software is non-free software; or proprietary software.

    This non-free software steals users’ freedom keeping them

    1. divided :- Users are forbidden from sharing the program.
    2. helpless :- Users don’t have the source code of the program.

    Free software have four freedoms

     And this is why school should run only Free software

    1. Obvious reason is to save money. Schools don’t have enough money, so they shouldn’t waste their money paying for permission to use proprietary software.
    2. To form good programmers, because in order to learn good programming skills students need to read lots of code and write lots of code.
    3. To teach good citizenship, because schools have the mission to teach not only facts and technical skills, but above all the spirit of good will, the habit of helping others.

    Reference :-  https://www.gnu.org/education/

    Tags: FSF FreeSoftware
    Updated on: 2013-04-15