Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Pandharpur Cycle Wari

    Pandharpur Cycle Wari

    Tags: Cycling, Wari

    [In the pic: चार वारकरी]

    Mesmerizing experience of being part of the 800-year-old tradition of Wari. It is a crown in the Bhakti movement, which united and strengthened us. We forgot our identities and became Warkaris.

    Thanks to the NCRunner group’s tremendous positive energy. A lot of learnings but tons of memories to cherish.

    I was occupied with Yoga classes every weekend since February, so I was unavailable to attend our group activities. As a result, most Sunday/Saturday rides were skipped. Weekday regular STs/short rides were also skipped, focusing on Yoga. Overall, not enough preparation was done for the event.

    Yet, I targeted one short ride of 25-30 km each week. On some odd days, I did a couple of 60 km rides. Then I did two long rides: a 100 km solo ride on a Monday holiday, and a 130 km ride on another holiday. Luckily, these off days coincided with peaks in the training plan.

    The first difficult part of this cycle Wari was the timing; it starts at 3 AM, which means waking up by 2 AM and losing a night’s sleep. Thus, I needed to plan my sleep schedule accordingly. I started waking up at 5 AM, then 4 AM, and finally 3 AM three days before the event. To catch 6-7 hours of sleep, I started having early dinners.

    The first 100 km ride was not difficult as it was finished by 10-11 AM. But then the sun was up and bright. The next 50 km before lunch was really difficult as the terrain was no longer flat but had ups and downs.

    We had regular hydration stops every 25 km. Initially, they became more like food stops, and I skipped taking electrolytes, assuming they wouldn’t be needed. By lunchtime, I was low on energy and not completely attentive. I corrected my mistake by replacing plain water with electrolyte and had it regularly every 10 km to regain my strength.

    We had a full lunch as guided by the route planner and also had a post-lunch power nap of 30-45 minutes.

    Cycling from 190 km to 200 km in the heavy rain was a blessing, and we forgot the pain and effort it took to reach that point. The last 40 km was more of a gravel road, and I could feel the extra effort needed for the road bike to maintain a normal speed of 20-25 km/h. This might have been due to the relatively plain tires I was using.

    We reached Pandharpur around 6:15 PM and freshened up at the Vitthal-Rukmini Bhakti Niwas. Then I did some shopping, thanks to hurried packing in the early morning. The attire was more traditional.

    Had mukh darshan of विठ्ठल - रुक्मिणी. Luckily, the queue was not that long.

    The return journey began at 11:30 PM in a mini-bus arranged for the group. The cycles were transported a day later.

    [In the pic: NCRunners in Cycle Wari]

    Some key points:

    1. Despite there being 1000+ cyclists on the road, some big vehicles were driving rashly. Many riders experienced being brushed by these vehicles. As cyclists, we can only keep our bikes on the extreme left and use reflectors, but beyond that, nothing is in our hands. People drive rashly for sure.
    2. Proper hydration and regular electrolyte consumption are a must.
    3. Events like these are made colorful by enthusiastic volunteers who support and boost the morale of the participants. Route support is essential unless you are really experienced or want an adventure ride.
    4. Wari is best experienced in a group. Besides better physical and motivational support, the joy is exponential because of the network of friends.
    5. Preparation is essential, a minimum of 3-4 months. Regular weekend long rides, short weekday rides, and strength training are necessary.

    Thanks to family, Ncrunner friends and event orgnizers.

    It took almost 11 hours of cycling to cover the distance of 230 km. The route tests one’s will and endurance. Pandharpur Wari preaches equality. There could be countless events that might prevent completing the ride, yet one still does. I feel that it’s impossible without His wish.

    🚩 विठ्ठल विठ्ठल. 🚩

    Tags: Cycling, Wari
    Updated on: 2024-06-17