Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Distributed model for Marathons

    Growing the running community

    Tags: Marathon Running Distributed Long-term

    Following are some suggestions that we proposed in a brain storming session conducted with one of the oldest Marathons of India.

    1. XYZMarathon has made tremendous contributions to making marathons popular across India, but such information is not readily available to current runners. There is a need to promote this.

    2. There are frequent marathons being organized everywhere in the country, but very few people know the right dos and don’ts while organizing them. Given XYZMarathon’s years of experience in organizing marathons, it can develop a standard protocol for managing such events, which can be followed by all organizers.

    3. To spread awareness about running and related sports, there are many countrywide groups that are active. In order to promote XYZMarathon and running, instead of targeting individual runners from different regions, we propose that XYZMarathon can empower these running groups to spread awareness in their localities. This can be achieved by sharing training plans (diet and workout), teaching strength training methods, helping them organize local community runs, providing them with digital presence, and promoting the individual groups.

    4. Every running event these days requires online registration, typically through profit-driven companies’ platforms. Instead of this, if XYZMarathon helps create one online platform where registration can be done and funds can be disbursed to respective organizers, it would streamline the process. This would require approving and endorsing the running groups who will also be the organizers. Another benefit of this is that a database of runners will be created, which can be reached for participation in the final event.

    5. For better engagement and brand promotion, we suggest starting “Super Sunday” challenges. For example, those who participate and successfully complete four Super Sunday runs could receive an online certificate or even a discount (15/25%) in the final event of the same category. Both physical and virtual events can be targeted.

    6. Instead of delegating final event responsibilities to individuals, it can be assigned to groups from the very early stages. This will help groups engage with XYZMarathon organization very early on and develop a sense of ownership.

    7. Running needs to be promoted in schools to encourage everyone to adopt running as a lifestyle. Introducing strength training and yoga in schools is one way to achieve this, and encouraging schools to organize marathons for students and parents could be another.

    8. Pacers can be announced early, 16 to 12 weeks before the event, allowing each pacer to follow a training plan and also assist in promoting the event.

    9. Social media promotion should be carried out throughout the year to increase brand awareness, done regularly but not aggressively. In addition to promoting the final event, promotion could focus on dos and don’ts in running, supporting other events hosted by various running groups, or even promoting the running groups themselves.

    10. Creating a portal for all running groups to announce their activities and share information about them. This will also help new runners discover groups in their surroundings.

    Core idea is to empower the local running groups to spread the awareness about the runnings and promoting events than individual runners. Its a more a federated, bottom-up, distributed model than the traditional, top-down, centralized model.

    Tags: Marathon Running Distributed Long-term
    Updated on: 2024-05-04