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  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

    Book review

    Tags: BookReview

    Atomic Habits

    The book provides easy ways of building good habits and breaking the bad ones. The author even claims that the ways are proven by backing each with some event from history. The author is not a scientist and doesn’t propose any new theory based on empirical data.

    Central idea of the book is this table (printable pdf from the official site) on how to create a good habit and break bad one. And its derived from four step model

      To create a good habit To break a bad habit
    1. Cue Make it Obvious Make it invisible
    2. Craving Make it attractive Make it unattractive
    3. Response Make it easy Make it difficult
    4. Reward Make it Satisfying Make it unsatisfying

    1, 3 and 4 were very common and the author added the 2nd step. Here is a video of the author saying the same. If any of the steps is missed then habit is not created or broken; the things will not come automatically.

    The book is full of quotes. Many have gathered from other scientists and authors too. Following are some quotes and snippets which I found interesting

    1. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate - by Carl Jung
    2. We have the brains of our ancestors but temptations they never had to face
    3. The costs of your good habits are in the present. The costs of your bad habits are in the future
    4. The road less traveled is the road of delayed gratification
    5. Habits are the entry point, not the end point. They are the cab, not the gym. WRT a famous dancer who used to work our daily and the habit used to start from hailing a taxi.

    Tags: BookReview
    Updated on: 2021-12-31