Yogesh Ashok Powar

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    Simple life hacks for better food and health

    Tags: Food Health

    Food and Health 101

    Recently done an online course from Coursera on food and health. It’s a five week course but if one only goes through the transcripts it can be finished within a couple of hours.

    The course covers a variety of topics from explaining in detail key macro-nutrients to why cook food at home. Here are some points and suggestions, that I think, worth sharing here


    Post world war food was industrialized; machines and technology empowered the women to join industries and there by preparing less and less food at home and buying it from the shelves.

    Sugar was then heavily used not only for taste but also as preservative. Later, saturated fat was replaced with trans fat/oil to meet the industry demand and here begins the pandemic of obesity and cardio vascular diseases.

    Sugar: max limit to 5%

    WHO recommends sugar consumption of less than 5% of total calories needed. For average person who consumes 2k calories, 100 calories can be consumed from sugar. Ie., 25 grams of sugar ~ 6 teaspoons. Although this looks a lot, Most processed food covers up this limit in single serving.

    Apart from sugar; strictly say no to trans fat/oils. They serve absolutely no health requirement.

    Home Cooking

    Home cooking is the only way forward and here are some tips for building it as a sustainable habitt

    1. Involve everyone in the family in cooking; including kids to grandparents. This will pull off the load from home makers of the home. especially women. Cooking is anyways a very satisfying activity, only women cooking is not fair.
    2. Not knowing how to cook is the problem and making sure everyone in the family knows how to cook at least basic recipes.
    3. Make sure basic ingredients are always available at home; oil, onions, garlic, lemons, spices and salt.

    Step by step approach for healthy diet

    Solution to obesity pandemic Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants; this doesn’t mean becoming vegan or buying only organic food. Instead take step by step approach

    1. No sweet cold drinks
    2. No packaged food
    3. Home made meals are only
    4. Increase plant based diet

    Life hacks

    Some other hacks to limit on overeating are

    1. Brush/floss your teeth after meal; to help in not eating when not hungry.
    2. Eat at the table only in specific cutlery and plate; instead of snacking or eating in front of TV.
    3. Switch to smaller plates; fill the half of it with vegetable salad first and the remaining half carbs and proteins.
    4. Avoid shopping when hungry; one ends up buying more food items; or strictly stick to the list.

    Take away

    Take away is to master the skill of moderation instead of a non-sustainable all or nothing approach. As far as food in concern quality matters than quantity; after all the food that we eat becomes us so choose a worthy food. 

    Tags: Food Health
    Updated on: 2021-12-25