Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management — 1

    The class notes of an online course

    Tags: India Economy


    Chapter 1 - Are There any Indian Economic Models?

    1.1 – Are there any Indian Economic Models?

    1.2 – India after Independence

    1.3 – My Experience with Indian Economic Model

    1.4 – Karur: A Case Study of Indian Economic Model

    1.5 – The Kite Manufacturers: A Case Study of Indian Economic Model

    1.6 – Indian Tradition and Indian Economic Model

    1.7 – First-Hand Experience of Students

    1.8 – Indian Economic Model as a Functioning Reality

    Chapter 2 - Ancient Indian Economic System

    2.1 – India and Global GDP: Ancient India

    2.2 – Agriculture: Ancient India

    2.3 – Manufacturing: Ancient India

    2.4 – Education in India

    2.5 – Wealth in India

    2.6 – Governance and Business in India

    Chapter 3 - India under the British Rule

    3.1 – Indian Economy under the British Rule

    3.2 – Agriculture under the British Rule

    3.3 – Trade under the British Rule

    3.4 – The Economic Drain

    3.5 – De-Industrialization of India

    3.6 – Poverty and the Un-British Rule of India

    Chapter 4 - India since Independence

    4.1 – Indian Economy at Independence

    4.2 – Indian Economy: 1950 -1980

    4.3 – What Drove the Indian Economy?

    4.4 – India’s Unique Economic Model

    Chapter 5 - The Western Economic Models

    5.1 – A Brief History of Western Economic Models

    5.2 – A Critique of Western Economic Model

    5.3 – A Critique of Modern Capitalist System

    5.4 – The Global Economic Crisis

    5.5 Communism

    5.6 – Is Western Economic Model Universal?

    5.7 – The Relation between Culture and Economic Development

    Chapter 6 - An Introduction to Indian Economic Model

    6.1 – Family Base

    6.2 – High Level of Savings

    6.3 Self-employment as the base

    6.4 Highly entrepreneurial nature

    6.5 Non-corporate sector as the core of the economy

    6.6 Community orientation and higher social capital

    6.7. Faith and relationships playing a critical role in economic affairs

    6.8. Indian economy basically is society driven and not State dependent

    6.9. Economic activities are guided by norms and values

    Tags: India Economy
    Updated on: 2021-05-21