Yogesh Ashok Powar

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  • Why We Run?

    About whys of running

    Tags: Running Community

    Why We Run?

    The information is compiled from a number of experienced marathon runners from different running groups. We are open for suggestions and improvements.


    1. It’s Fun to Run
      • Explore new routes & connect with nature
      • make new friends
      • Runner’s high & feeling of accomplishment
      • Clears thoughts, calms mind and eases anxiety
    2. Health wellbeing
      • Get in shape & elevate your mood
      • Strengthens your bones
      • Boosts immune health
      • Improves stamina, heart health & lung capacity
    3. Social Connect
      • Make new friends & run buddies
      • Community building & engagement
      • Know people from different domains
      • Better lifestyle balance
    4. Discover stronger & better you
      • First 5k to 10k to HM to FM to Ultra
      • Night Marathons & Barefoot Runs
      • Duathlons and triathlons
      • A way of Meditation & discover soleness


    1. Warm Up
      • Activate muscles head to toe
    2. Run
      • Discover correct running form
    3. Stretch
      • Lose stiff and tight muscles
    4. Strength train
      • Injury free running

    Except where otherwise noted, contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

    Tags: Running Community
    Updated on: 2020-03-01